Pay for your purchase over four equal instalments, due every two weeks. Afterpay makes it simple to pay when it suits you best. If you make repayments on time, you’ll only ever pay the price of the item you’ve purchased. The only fees Afterpay charges are late fees for missed payments. Afterpay is available on all retail products in store and also on all treatments over $100.
BeautyPAY is the ‘AFTER PAY’ for beauty salons, which allows you to pay off some of our fabulous package beauty treatments, such as Dermafrac , IPL or Skin Treatment packages. This payment plan breaks payments down into manageable weekly instalments, so anyone can now afford our specialised beauty services.
Everyone is eligible, and it only takes a few minutes to sign you up straight from our salon. You just pay a deposit to get started, and then the weekly instalments are automatically direct debited from your bank account or credit card for the agreed period.
Beauty has never been more advanced and is now even more affordable for Everyone!!
Contact our Salon NOW to find out further information.